Contact Us
Q: How can I be considered as a Wampus artist or author?
A: Submit inquiry and sample only to mail5 (at) Tell us why you think you’re a fit for Wampus, and why you think Wampus is a fit for you. Don’t send blast emails.
*** Wampus is currently closed to unsolicited submissions. Stay tuned. ***
Q: How do I ask about recording at Say Hello to the Crow?
A: Email nest (at)
Q: How do I license Wampus music for my film, compilation, or other use?
A: Email licensing (at)
Q: How do I submit my design or video portfolio for consideration?
A: Email art (at)
Q: How do I subscribe to Wampus updates and articles?
A: Visit the subscription page.
Q: How do I ask about something not mentioned above?
A: Email mail5 (at)