Artist & Author Development and Distribution



Kowtow Popof: Tastes Like Armageddon

Kowtow Popof - Tastes Like ArmageddonThe first CD Wampus ever released, Songs from the Pointless Forest, was the debut of Rockville, Maryland-based singer-songwriter Kowtow Popof. A veteran of Washington, D.C. mainstays The Senses Bureau and Bellyland, Kowtow liked Gary Numan and Genesis and Cat Stevens, and trafficked in an acoustic-electronic mix framed by a keen observational eye. Shot through with allusion, Songs introduced a contrarian voice on the pop fringe.

And things have only gotten better since.

Today Kowtow rolls out Tastes Like Armageddon, his fifth self-produced album for Wampus since Songs. And like Songs, it takes us on a ride through a world of emotional connection and detachment, pondering life’s ups and downs and mysteries in an insidiously catchy way.

Tastes Like Armageddon is the latest chapter in a deeply involving story, obscure and cryptic and fraught with appeal.

Get more of the story.

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One thought on “Kowtow Popof: Tastes Like Armageddon”

  1. kowtow
     ·  Reply

    What just hit me is that TLA is 25 years after the very first Kowtow, Stringing Along the Dreamline (1987). CDs had been around for maybe 5 years and it would be 20 years before there was an iPhone. Joseph Campbell died, Snooki was born, the Simpsons debuted on tv, and Reagan told Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. And I’m still “pondering life’s ups and downs and mysteries in an insidiously catchy way.” I need a new schtick :).

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