10 Apr, 2012 DIY: The Mighty Tascam 388 Categories: Art and creativity, DIY, Self-referential • Tags: ADAT, alice despard, arms of kismet, DAW, DIY, east river pipe, f.m. cornog, fostex x-15, home recording, indie, indie artist, indie music, j. scott watson, kowtow popof, mark doyon, songwriting, studio recording, tascam 246 portastudio, tascam 388 studio 8, the black keys, the intentions, wampeters, wampus, wampus sound studio • 26 Comments • by Wampus The first recording band I was in made albums on an all-in-one portable studio with eight tracks of audio on 1/4-inch, analog tape. Having cut my teeth until then on… Read More →