New Release: ‘Saint-Denis’ by The May Bees

The new album from The May Bees, Saint-Denis, is out. And because you’re reading this right now, you can download it instantly from Bandcamp and get the CD for free (with free shipping, natch) through Friday, September 30, 2011. Good? Uh, yes, it kinda is.
We met May Bees leader Gregory Orange about five years ago when he was looking for a label home for The May Bees’ first album, Drop Little Boy. We heard the rough mixes and flipped. The single, “The Enemy’s Scientist,” soon became a Wampus staple. We were hooked.
Thanks, Gregory, for making that record — and for eclipsing it somehow with Saint-Denis.
For the deets on Saint-Denis and the band that made it, check out the press release.
Buy at Amazon | CD Baby | iTunes
So I embedded the stream of Saint-Denis on my blog, just reminding folks that it’s out. That was last night. The first comment is also
the last word:
Blogger Who Am Us Anyway? said…
Thanks, I listened to it all & it’s a big fat buy on the buy burn or trash scale, that’s for sure. This band has that otherworldly pull that great rock bands have. Not that they’re fantasy but that they can take the seeming ordinary and show how extraordinary it really is, and do that without being maudlin; that’s what i want a rock band to do. Cool cool cool
I think *that* about sums things up.
there’s so much more worth saying. This is a beautiful extension of Drop Little Boy. Everything I liked about that record is here, in spades, but the themes, songs, melodies, *refractions* [yeah; you got *that* right] are just . . . grander.
Nicely done, Greg.
Nicely done, May Bees.
Nicely done, Wampus. . . .
“Maybe Europe” is just
And “Soft Paper Plane,” too.
As these kids like to say,
wow! Comme toujours, je suis impressionné.
J’écoute Saint-Denis depuis la rue Saint-Denis…au bureau.
Bravo The May Bees.